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Does the running electric chain hoist need to be repainted after the paint is peeled off?
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Does the running electric chain hoist need to be repainted after the paint is peeled off?

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-23      Origin: Site


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Due to the environment in which the lifting equipment is used, the paint will inevitably fall off over a long period of time. After the paint falls off, should it be left alone or should the paint be repaired? Let's explain it below.


1: If the paint surface does not fall off, and the internal parts are intact, you can continue to use it, it does not matter.

2: However, if the paint surface peels off a lot, it is necessary to carry out touch-up paint to avoid accelerated falling off. We must carry out touch-up paint to avoid corrosion of the paint surface due to paint peeling.



If you find that the paint of the running electric chain hoist is peeled off, you need to treat it according to the situation to avoid early damage to the internal components.
