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Bridge crane trolley shifting mechanism

Bridge cranes generally consist of bridge frames (also called carts). It consists of lifting mechanism, trolley, trolley transfer mechanism, control room, trolley conductive device (auxiliary slide line), crane total power supply conductive device (main slide line) and other parts.The trolley is pla

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Method for lifting speed of bridge crane

The lifting speed method of the bridge crane is the speed at which the motor of the lifting mechanism raises the heavy object at the rated speed, that is, the lifting speed. Generally, the lifting speed does not exceed 30m / min, which is determined according to the nature of heavy objects, weight,

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Characteristics of the movement form of bridge crane

The characteristics of the movement form of the bridge crane. The bridge crane is a lifting device that crosses the workshop, warehouse and material yard for material lifting. Because its two ends are located on tall concrete pillars or metal supports, the shape is like a bridge(1) The bridge crane

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How does the crane choose the cable?

1. When the crane adopts the hanging cable trolley (or cable guide), the cable should be prevented from being worn and excessively bent during the movement. For cables with an outer diameter of not more than 8 mm, the diameter of the cable suspension curved plate should be at least the outer diamete
